“Our son is just finishing his first year at Discovery School. It was a big decision for us to move our son from the public system to Discovery School, but watching our son gain confidence and build his self esteem has made it all worth while. The small class size and the commitment of his teacher and other staff at Discovery School has made a big difference in how our son learns. He is now excited to go to school each day and enjoys learning. He has made some great friends, too, which was something we were concerned about as our son had to leave behind friends he had been in school with since kindergarten. He has had a very successful first year and we are very pleased with his progress. This is a school that truly understands what it means to have a learning disability and they know how to teach to that disability. Our only regret is that we didn't do this sooner.” ~ Doug and Linda

How To Apply

If you have a child who has been diagnosed with a learning disability and is struggling to succeed in a regular classroom, the first step in our application process is to telephone us at 250-595-7765.


Please consider making a donation to Discovery School. Your gift will not only help individual students make the most of their abilities, but will help build stronger families.


Do you have some questions about Discovery School, who we are and what we do? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.

How We Help

Our teachers, principal and staff all have many years of experience with learning disabilities. We have a wealth of strategies, approaches and suggestions to help you and your child.