Discovery School is a provincially designated special education school for students with learning disabilities. We accept only students assessed with a specific learning disability. We cannot accept students whose learning disabilities are accompanied by an intensive behavioural or mental illness, which has an adverse affect on our ability to deliver a quality education to all students.

We are an Independent Christian School, and because the Ministry of Education funds only 50% of our operating costs, we depend on tuition fees, in-school fund raising and donations to cover the rest of our costs.

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Discovery School Application Form

How To Apply

If you have a child who has been diagnosed with a learning disability and is struggling to succeed in a regular classroom, the first step in our application process is to telephone us at 250-595-7765.


Please consider making a donation to Discovery School. Your gift will not only help individual students make the most of their abilities, but will help build stronger families.


Do you have some questions about Discovery School, who we are and what we do? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.

How We Help

Our teachers, principal and staff all have many years of experience with learning disabilities. We have a wealth of strategies, approaches and suggestions to help you and your child.